although it was built in the muromachi period it is of a size and style similar to halls in the tenpyo period . 室町時代の建築であるが、規模、形式ともに天平時代の堂に準じている。
it is also possible to hypothesize that the hojo clan maintained local rule of a size neither large enough nor powerful enough to maintain a genealogical table by which to identify its ancestral origin . 北条氏は自らの出自を明らかにする系図も残せない程度の豪族であったと考えることも可能である。
this event that lasted from 1633 on up to the tokugawa shogunate ' s collapse , continued to grow in scale until yoshimune tokugawa called for the thrift ordinance; at one point , it is said that the procession was of a size consisting of several hundred to several thousand people . 1633年から徳川幕府が倒れるまで続いたこの行事は、途中、徳川吉宗の倹約令が出るまで行列の規模はふくれあがり、一時は数百人から数千人の規模になったという。